Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Domestic Violence Recovery And How Social Workers Help You

Day by day, more and more domestic violence victims are coming forward. It is a special calling for someone to be an advocate for victims of domestic violence, and it takes a special set of characteristics to become one, such as: a big heart, tough love, and bravery in any kind of situation.

Most often than not, social workers who have given themselves to Domestic Violence Impact victims end up working with the abuser as well aside form the victim. Their goal is to look for an effective solution that will help everyone involved an heal as much wounds as possible. Most cases, the abuser would turn out to be mentally or psychologically disturbed, which caused them to act in such violent ways an din turn would need professional help as well. The victims in these cases are the ones who would end up receiving the violent outbursts, which would then leave them wounded, scarred, and then traumatized for the rest of their lives. Mostly the victims here are too afraid to remove themselves from all the abuse and is often afraid to tell anyone else because of how the abusers usually threat to kill them or kill someone close to them if they do, which is why they end up being hopeless in the situation.

The victims of these situations are oftentimes fed with the idea that they are useless and weak, rendering them to keep quite from their peers until one day they detach themselves form their friends and family.

The first thing that social workers would do for the victims would be to refer them to a psychologist and a therapist that will first help them cure the wound left by current events and wait until their minds are cleared enough. It is also the responsibility of the social workers to look for centers and shelters where they could connect the victims to people who could do continue monitoring as well as support for them. They also act as the advocates and court liaisons of the victims in order for them to ensue a case against the abuser. They are also the ones who would be in the victim's assistance when it comes to filing reports for a police report against the abuser in an event that the victim is not able to do so. And aside from all that, it is the social worker's role to look for ways to advise their clients in the best possible way while give them the best possible resources they can find for employment and children's education so they can start over with a clean slate. Without a doubt, social workers could be angels sent from heave to victims of abuse and violence and come as part of the Domestic Violence Impact Panel.

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